Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Day Four - A Little Overwhelmed

I just went to Jen's blog and noticed that she has raised over 600 bucks already. I don't even have my letter written yet or my fundraising website set up. Ugh. This is what happens. I get overwhelmed with shit like that and find other things to do with myself. Not that I'm blowing it off or anything, it's just that I tried to set up my website earlier this week and found out I couldn't do so without reading some of the valuable information that Team gave us and then I put it off because it seems like a much bigger task than it really is.

I dunno, I'm just a little out of sorts right now for several reasons, most of which I've already gone into over the past couple of days.

I had some nice conversations with some good friends today though who are being very supportive of this venture and of other things. which helped put my head at ease a bit.

Tomorrow there is a scheduled group workout which I am going to miss because I'm headed up to the memorial service. I'm sorta numb about the whole thing and know that the actual service will make something crack and am both looking forward to the release and dreading it at the same time.

On Friday night I put on a suit for an unprecedented second time in one week as I head out of town for a wedding. This will cause me to miss Saturday's group run as well, but I plan to definitely make that one up on my own later in the day Saturday. I'll just have G-Rocks let me know how far to go and let er rip.

Part of me feels bad about missing some early training, but part of me understands that the reasons are completely valid and that this early on it won't do too much damage. I just like to start out strong and am worried about developing bad habits. Although I'm actually really looking forward to Friday night, especially after this week. It will be nice to have something to celebrate with some friends and a night in a hotel is always fun for me. My girlfriend and I have both had hectic schedules the past week or so, so a night out all dressed up will be fun for us. Let's just hope I don't drop a gravy soaked utensil all over myself like last time.

Today was a cross training day and I took my lunch break to hit the gym at work. Did a relatively light session on the trainer, 30 minutes (25 + a 5 minute cool down) with the resistance set at 10. Felt good to get my muscles warmed up again and to sweat a little bit.

New goal: have my website set up and my fundraising letter sent out by Sunday night. Wish me luck.

Thanks for reading. More later...



Blogger roxie said...

don't let my obsessiveness get you down. remember that you have 5+ months so raise money, and i know you are committed to that and practice (and so do you). i'll be here to make sure you're running (and i know you'll do the same for me), but life happens, and there are lots of moments to be taken. we're gonna run a marathon, and have a good time doing it (damn it!) don't be so hard on yourself, you're good peeps.

10:05 PM  

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