Thursday, August 17, 2006

Day Six - Going Nowhere

Not really much to report tonight, just wanted to post an update after today's run.

Wanted to go to the gym on my lunch hour and run on the treadmill, but work has been a bear this week. We usually have six people in my department - the director of production, three line producers and two coordinators. There are a couple other folks too - the director of production's personal assistant is a great guy and our accountant is a huge help too, but strictly production speaking, we'll go with six. Anyway, for a whole laundry list of reasons (ranging from the birth of a child to the death of another) we have several staff members out of the office this week. Four actually (well, five including the personal assistant who is down with some sort of face...thing going on) which leaves two of us, and somehow things are just really busy right now. Really busy. It's like The Perfect Storm in there right now and keeping the emotion that this week has brought with it to the side, it's tough enough to keep all the plates spinning.

Which is just a really long and drawn out way for me to tell you all that I couldn't get out of work today to go for a run. So I waited until after sending the last email of the day and everyone had gone home and headed down to the second floor. There were a few people in the gym, but there was one treadmill open. Now, generally speaking I don't like running on treadmills. It's not so much the running part that bothers me, it's the aftermath. I feel like I used to feel after roller skating. You take the skates off but something inside your body still feels like you're rolling forward...or falling down, which was my forte the few times I strapped on a pair of skates. I also got my thumb run over once, but that is a whole other story. Although now that I think about it, that's pretty much the whole story right there. And you thought this was going to be a boring entry.

So I ran on the treadmill. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I forgot my iPod. Actually, I'll be honest, it's not really an iPod - it's a Dell Jukebox. For the sake of argument we'll call it an iPod the same way we call all tissues Kleenex, deal? But between you and I, it's a Dell Jukebox. Regardless, it was a run without music, which, generally speaking, I don't really dig. Although Ramon mentioned yesterday that there were no iPod's allowed during group runs (I'll go ahead and assume he means Dell Jukebox's too), so I suppose it's good for me to get used to running without.

After 3.29 miles (and you'll see why I chose that number when I add up my totals at the bottom of the post - aka I'm anal) I stretched, took a shower and then headed home. Run was OK, although I felt pretty sluggish. I was running at a pace of a mile every 10 minutes with no incline and I was trying to picture myself running 26.2 miles at a pace of a mile every 9 minutes (the pace if you want to finish a marathon in 4 hours) and it was making me depressed because I can't imagine that every being a reality.

Otherwise, it was weird (as it always is) to end the run and realize that I hadn't actually gone anywhere. Not that running around a man-made body of water 3 times is something out of Forrest Gump, but you know what I'm saying. Plus, treadmills always make me think of The Jetsons. Although I'm sure I'll be thanking God for them on the first 15 degree day in December (or even November...ugh).

Tomorrow is a day off from running and it will be a day off from updating this blog as well. I'm off to a wedding tomorrow night and on Saturday will try to run through what is sure to be hangover of some sort. Have a great Friday and I'll be back later this weekend.

Thanks for reading. More later...



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