Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Day Ninety Four - Here Comes The Rain Again

You have no idea how much I agonize about these daily blog titles. This one came to me pretty quickly as it started raining as soon as I got home last night and put my running shoes on. When I stepped outside it really started coming down. I was soaked two blocks into my five block walk to the park. But it was warm out and as I am terrified of training in the cold I am trying to take as much advantage of these balmy nights as possible. Yes, balmy.

As I started on the familiar loop I came up with another possible blog title. "The Only Living Boy In New York." Either that or "The Only Running Boy In New York" as it seemed that I had the entire park to myself, which was amazing. It didn't last as I ended up seeing some hardcores out there braving the elements, but to spend almost an hour running in the park and see only about 50 people - well, that's a New York City rarity to say the least. It was relaxing and even my soggy drawers weren't bothering me.

I did the run I wanted to do 3 minutes faster than I wanted to do it, which had me feeling good on the walk back to my apartment. The absolute best part is that in the aftermath my knees didn't flare up the way they have been recently. I think they are starting to get used to the abuse and that my biggest physical problem to date was just a point of my body getting used to the miles.

Minor correction on yesterday's post. This Saturday we are running on some trails in Jersey, not in Central Park. Sounds like a field trip to me, and my mom didn't even have to sign a permission slip.

Have a good Tuesday.

DAY 94


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