Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Disagree With The Narrative

Tonight on Lou Dobbs I heard Lou and his talking heads going on about how terrible a week it has been for the Obama campaign and it made me realize that there are times when I inhabit a different reality than the one presented on TV. I mean, we all do, but in the realm of politics I'm starting to realize that I'm always going to be living in BizarroLand and all the while I'll be listening to windbags either pontificate on or apologize for the mythical liberal bias.

I may go insane at some point because of this.

What Lou and Co. were doubtlessly referring to is the backlash against Obama for the "pig in lipstick" comment that we decided to pay attention to this year instead of commiserating about 9/11 happening 7 years ago. Honestly, it's a push. Anyway, I've made a conscious effort to not get myself all twisted about this manufactured bullshit story, but I will grant myself permission to bitch about it as a part of the BIG PICTURE.

Did anyone actually listen to Obama's original comments, then the phony outrage, then Obama's response to that phony outrage? He basically called the Republicans out on being full of shit and shifting the focus away from the important issues and he did so with typical nonchalance and without a hint of aggression or defensiveness. I mean, I can see how that might be a turn off to some people the same way that pretty much everything Sarah Palin does makes me want to kick her in the face, but honestly, the guy fucking HANDLED it. Well. Anyone that did follow the whole story and still qualifies it as a net loss for Obama...I just...I just...I just live on a different planet than you do. And at the risk of exposing my Eastern liberal elitism, my planet is better. Seriously, it is.

And this is how it starts every time. Liberals as a whole and the Democrats as a party are a jumpy lot. The masses have fallen for the Palin Trap hook, line and sinker and the post convention bounce has been kinder to McCain than anticipated and the left is shitting a collective brick and bemoaning the loss of the election. It's sad to watch. And all the while the guy they elected to run for the presidency has remained totally cool, calm and collected - it's been impressive for anyone that is actually paying attention. However, in the midst of all the hand wringing and wasted energy forwarding nonsense emails about Palin banning books we're once again ALLOWING THEM TO DEFINE WHAT HIS HAPPENING.

Obama didn't lose this week except in the eyes of the media. Why? Because that makes the story better. It's obvious and apparent. Now go tell someone that. Don't let them define this as a loss for Obama - you know, the guy who laid out an educational plan this week and refused to get drawn into the losing game of identity politics. Stop rolling over for this kind of garbage. And when you clarify for someone that, "uh, no, actually he didn't say that at all, what he said was this" DO NOT let them paint you as defensive or desperate. That's another trick of the right - staying cooler under pressure than the left. Just because they say it doesn't make it true, and this year we've got to stop feeling guilty about wanting the true version of events to be publicized rather than the more compelling paranoid version that the right wants the hockey moms to buy into.

Speaking of which - the next time someone starts talking to you about hockey moms or "the Walmart crowd" or small town values stop the conversation right there and have them define for you exactly what they mean by small town values. Then have them explain to you why they believe that the conservatives have that market cornered and help them to understand how wrong they are. If this election is going to be decided on ultimately nebulous and inconsequential Americana buzzwords then we'll need to stake as strong a claim to that kind of bullshit as the Republicans have. I know that to a lot of liberals this seems like a waste of time and an exercise in direct conflict with practicing common sense, but look how good that attitude has paid off for the past 8 years.

Challenge the narrative. Don't roll your eyes and throw your hands up and let the thought of defeat bring you down. Obama only lost this week if we allow ourselves to feel defeated and if you listen to what he has said you can't feel anything but positive that this is the person that will connect with more Americans and will rightfully be elected into the Oval Office. And once you listen and digest, you spread the word. Keep the conservatives on their heels - let them know that we refuse to let this all happen again. This week was about laying out a plan for education - where was McCain?

I'll be the first to admit, at first blanch the Obama campaign has stumbled out of the post-convention gate. They haven't found a resonant message and have wilted in the face of the All Palin All The Time news cycle (and the next time someone mentions how rough the media has been on Sarah, ask them to cite specific examples from anywhere but the liberal blogosphere to back up this myth - press them on it and then ask them to defend her decision to seclude herself from the press as she runs for the second highest office in the land - don't they want to know as much as they can about her as a politician?) but I'm confident that the bloom is going to come off this rose and when it all comes down to it people are going to look at the reality of their economic situation and take it out on the party of Bush on Nov. 4th. But I don't want to count on that. I'm confident that Obama is going to find his stride and that his message will resonate when the dust settles.

But then again, I've also been guilty of underestimating the public's penchant to vote against it's own interests in the past.


Blogger D.A. Królak said...

you Rock Bill!

I think your narrative - being more like Obama is exactly what America needs. As a small town white boy from the WalMart crowd, from a lifelong NRA membership - in a battleground state.

Also I spent my formative years deeply involved in the Democratic process since my mum was the chair in our little town - and as soon as I was legal I was part of that machine.

These are very desperate 'narratives' and personal attacks launched by the other campaign - and I don't underestimate what they are trying to do, distract with shock & awe - but I'm afraid that no matter how desperate they get - it will not define "victory" in Iraq, or stop the closure of banks or bailout of financial institutions, and the general malaise affecting us. That is the point.

Will America or just the Media (who are addicted to this cycle and just like a junkie have to have a story no matter how manufactured it is)keep this alive. I have a feeling that we will here more distractions, more inanity, and such - because the media know that when this is done - there two years of constant reportage will almost come to a screeching halt. Sure there will be monumental coverage leading up to the historic inauguration - and unlimited scrutiny of every last little detail as we've seen in the past - but not the tension. So now for the coming weeks they have to milk this as long and as hard as they can. I'm afraid it will get worse before it gets better, so your admonishment for people to hunker down and prepare is wise indeed.

The media are vested in getting ratings and milking this - but the people should drive the coverage. Not on faux outrages or nervous nellies but on issues! {period}

Ask any undecided or McCain supporter what victory in Iraq will look like, and what his economic relief will look like for your pocketbook and the issue is clear. Crystal.

Thanks for reminding the world and the electorate not to be distracted. Unfortunately the Obama campaign is trying to act tougher, and that is still defense - not offense. Let's hope the pendulum swings back, I'm counting on it. Then there is always the debates - this drum roll is leading up to that. When the world will be watching, and lets hope then it becomes very clear to everyone watching.

5:55 AM  

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