Friday, September 01, 2006

Day Twenty One - Back On The Wagon

Hey, remember me? It's Bill. I used to update this blog. Then I didn't for a while. Know why? Because I have been a very terrible marathon trainer this week and have fallen quite a bit off the pace. In fact, way back there when I posted on Day Sixteen was the last time I actually ran.

Until this morning that is. I got up early today and kicked out 3 miles. I wanted to grow a set and go for 4, but didn't want to screw myself for the weekend. Cause we're taking it to the next level tomorrow and going for 8 miles, followed up by 4 on Sunday, so I didn't want to overdo it (despite the fact that I have been underdoing it all week). But I feel slightly OK because today was technically a day off so I'm pretending that the little girly run I took this morning sort of makes up for the 3 days I missed this week.

Anyway, this morning, OK. My knees were bothering me pretty much the whole time, which has me a bit concerned. I'm hoping that it had something to do with the surface I was running on. I took the same path down Central Park West that we ran on Sunday, which was the other day I had the knee issues, so maybe I shouldn't run there anymore. I'm guessing tomorrow will tell some tales regarding my knees. My left thigh seems to be tightening up a little bit now, but that seemed to work itself out towards the end of the run, so I'm not too worried there. The good news is that the run didn't tire me out at all and I was able to maintain my breathing the whole way without getting winded at all, and at this point after a layoff for a few days I'll take any kind of positive I can latch onto.

Want to send a special thanks to Jen/G-Rocks/Roxie for being the first to donate to the cause. I told you she was awesome. Only $3775.00 to go ($4475.00 if I want to avoid the shame of running with a Red Sox logo somewhere on my body). Letter goes out on Tuesday and then the run really begins. Congrats to Jen as well for her fundraising efforts which have been incredible. She's almost already to her requirements (last I checked she was at $3666.00) and will undoubtedly make her personal goal of 5 grand and then some. Great work, and definitely inspiring.

How hard do you think it would be to collect 1 dollar from 3800 different people? That's my fallback plan if my friends and family stiff me.

Off to beautiful ("and I don't mean that in an Eddie Haskel sort of way"*) Geneva, New York for the long weekend. Gonna miss the Team session on Saturday, but I'm gonna rock that 8 miles on my own. Wish me luck.

Thanks for reading. More later.

DAY 21

*Bonus points for anyone who can tell me the name of the character who I stole the Eddie Haskel quote above from...without using IMDB. We're on the honor system here, so just know that if you lie, I'll kill you.


Blogger Nyree said...

Cliff. (I'm a sucker for bonus points. Saving them up for a green army man, complete with the loop hole on top of his helmet..where you tie the plastic parachute...)

Run Demps. Run.

Do it for Switzerland.

6:29 AM  

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